I’m so excited. I got a new bookshelf. It is a one of a kind thing someone has cobbled together from bits and pieces. I got it cheap from the local charity shop. But, that is not why I am excited.
In clearing away the old dodgy chipboard shelf that I plan to burn, I found old bits and bobs. Love letters, a Pink Floyd sticker from their 1988 tour, and the original Twin Peaks free postcard (circa 1991). But, that is not why I am excited.
I am excited because I found the lost story! I read this marvellous piece of flash fiction and have never forgotten it. I have even tried to google it and find it – but alas could not remember its name, who wrote it or where I read it. And there it was. Printed and tucked carefully and dated 14/02/2007. This story has been haunting me for eight years.
Here it is – Baby Skin, by Chandler Jenrette published in the Vestal Review.
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