Publication Day

I think most writers are quiet about their ambition. It's a big ambition. Writing a book and getting published is a huge and difficult thing. Perhaps I am projecting, but for me, there seemed to much chance of failure to go bragging about something I may never achieve. I have achieved 'it' though and yesterday, … Continue reading Publication Day

I did not nail this one – reading aloud

The first time public speaking went wrong for me was in grade 6. I was doing a presentation on dairy farming. I had a lovely piece of white cardboard with drawings and glued on pictures. The problem was the word 'teat'. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this word would be a … Continue reading I did not nail this one – reading aloud

I want a patron not a platform

For an introvert like me, having a platform is sometimes like being at a party - its all fun but now I'm tired and I want to go home. I fantasise about an olden daytime when writers could get a patron instead. The patron would put the creative (me) up in one of their secluded country … Continue reading I want a patron not a platform

Draw a line through your imagination

What I have learnt is that when I am writing I need to know the place I am writing. I have to have a picture of it in my head. Where I went wrong was letting the place in my head change. In the first draft of Cassandra, the characters did things in the space they lived … Continue reading Draw a line through your imagination

A Ute is a real thing

As an Australian writer, I am sometimes surprised by what gets lost in translation. Most recently it was my assertion that a character could walk straight from her classroom to the outside. One of the wonderful critters in my international writers' group found this odd. It never occurred to me that our Australian schools are different. … Continue reading A Ute is a real thing

Editors are like nutritional supplements

In the olden days, when I was in high school, we wrote out our assignments by hand. Pen and paper. We even ruled a red line along the edge of the page as the margin. My friend Shelly said to me one day, the difference between her and our friend Victoria, was that if Shelly's … Continue reading Editors are like nutritional supplements