One of my vague New Years Resolutions is to play every month with the #6 of Separation chain. I am a day late, but here goes I have not read Alexander McCall Smith’s No.1 Ladies Detective Agency: I have read A Prescription for Action by Susan Currie which is about the Life of Dr Janet Irwin an … Continue reading #6 of Separation – From Detective to Handmaid
Tag: #6degrees
Six Degrees of Separation: Picnic at Hanging Rock to Beatrice and Virgil
Its #6Degrees time again. This month we start with Picnic at Hanging Rock by Joan Lindsay. I have not read this book. I do not know how that has been allowed to happen. I have always intended to read it. I really want to read it. Somehow I never have. So, it being Lifeline Bookfest … Continue reading Six Degrees of Separation: Picnic at Hanging Rock to Beatrice and Virgil
Six degrees of separation: Room to Peter Pan
I have been so keen to play #6 degrees but every month the date catches up with me every time. I have tried to prepare but it still almost caught me out. For real this time. I have read Room by Emma Donahue several times. I think it is a great example of a child as … Continue reading Six degrees of separation: Room to Peter Pan