The 26 of February is National Tell a Fairy Tale Day. No point in resisting.
We all know by now that fairy tales began as oral stories and have grown and changed with the times and for the audience. Some people feel Disney has taken the dark soul out of the oral tales but I am fascinated by how stories change and are reinvented. I love a change or point of view such as we get in Maleficent or the musical Wicked. I love the complete reinvention – The Taming of the Shrew into 10 Things I Hate About You and Clueless emerging from Jane Austen’s Emma. You only have to hear a group of friends tell a story of something that happened to them to know how stories can grow and change with the telling. I think it is what makes us human – our need for stories and the need to tell stories.
Retelling will keep on happening and I don’t think we will ever tire of fairy tales. The thing is, when we get a chance to read a fairy tale in one of its original forms – as it was when someone “collected” it and wrote it down, it can be so different it is like hearing or reading the tale for the first time.
So, to celebrate Tell A Fairy Tale Day I want to introduce you to SurLaLune a repository of old tales and where they come from and pretty much days and days of fairy tale reading. But to pick one for today, how about Sleeping Beauty complete with ogre and attempted eating of people.
I’m currently writing a thesis on the canonical fairy tales. It’s good to know someone else loves them too! And SurLaLune is an excellent website!
They are a bit addictive! I’d like to know more about your thesis. Can you tell me?
They are! It’s about how the traditional stories use magic in different ways. Chapter one is on magic as a truth telling device.
It probably seems like work when you have to do it, but it must also be interesting and a but fun. Maybe I will get to see it when it is done.
Yes it’s hard work but also enjoyable! And perhaps!