Bloody Fairy Tales: Bluebeard

When I mention fairy tales, most people’s eyes glaze over, and I imagine they are thinking ‘Disney Princess’ and Happily Ever After.  Perhaps if people knew Bluebeard they would not jump to the fairy tale = Disney conclusion. Disney will never be able to Disneyfy Bluebeard. The most well-known version was written by Charles Perrault … Continue reading Bloody Fairy Tales: Bluebeard

Where’s the Rakija?

The Pocket Bookclub set a dangerous precedent when we emulated Eleanor Oliphant's favourite dinner of vodka and pizza. It seemed that on every other page the characters in Téa Obreht's The Tiger's Wife are drinking Rakija or Rakia. This is essentially fruit brandy from the Balkans which you cannot buy (easily) in Australia. We know … Continue reading Where’s the Rakija?

The Power of Stories

Humans tell stories. We are all natural storytellers even if we never write a book or call ourselves writers or directors. We even see patterns and create stories even when none exists. Watch this film. Do you see a story? This film was used in the 1944 experiment of "Apparent Behavior" by Fritz Heider … Continue reading The Power of Stories

Publication Day

I think most writers are quiet about their ambition. It's a big ambition. Writing a book and getting published is a huge and difficult thing. Perhaps I am projecting, but for me, there seemed to much chance of failure to go bragging about something I may never achieve. I have achieved 'it' though and yesterday, … Continue reading Publication Day

Beauty shouldn’t have to tame the Beast

After reading Pride and Prejudice with the Pocket Bookclub  I realised Pride and Prejudice was the Beauty and Beast story. I am no genius! Elizabeth Hopkins sets the plot similarities out rather succinctly at the Silver Petticoat Review  or look at Kristen's visuals in her post at See you in the Porridge . Lizzie and Darcy don't like … Continue reading Beauty shouldn’t have to tame the Beast

Tell a Fairy Tale Day

The 26 of February is National Tell a Fairy Tale Day. No point in resisting. We all know by now that fairy tales began as oral stories and have grown and changed with the times and for the audience.  Some people feel Disney has taken the dark soul out of the oral tales but I … Continue reading Tell a Fairy Tale Day