My entry to Nick Cave's music was the Murder Ballads album, specifically the duet with Kylie Minogue, Where the Wild Roses Grow. By its very name, it is clearly an album chocker block with narrative songs. I love a song with a narrative. My first loves were songs like Tie a Yellow Ribbon Around the … Continue reading The Cave of Nick: Grief, Optimism and Creativity
Tag: writing
The Power of Stories
Humans tell stories. We are all natural storytellers even if we never write a book or call ourselves writers or directors. We even see patterns and create stories even when none exists. Watch this film. Do you see a story? This film was used in the 1944 experiment of "Apparent Behavior" by Fritz Heider … Continue reading The Power of Stories
Easter in the Subtopics
The meaning of holidays - or holy days - like Easter has changed and will continue to changes and so it should. Most people know that Easter was a Spring Equinox festival. Eostre was a goddess of renewal and spring. Eggs were a symbol of new life and the promise of spring after the harsh … Continue reading Easter in the Subtopics
Winning at Writing Routines
I am a busy woman. I could list all the things that keep me busy but I am too busy. I will cut to the chase. How do I fit writing my next book into my busyness? Well, sometimes I don't. The thing is that I am only answerable to myself. In other parts of … Continue reading Winning at Writing Routines
Kismet and optimism
I screwed this piece of paper up. Then I unscrewed it because it was such a colourful piece of story editing, and though I didn't know it at the time, successful. From scribble and screwed up to looking lovely in print. This story, Turning the Corner was published in Unsettling Wonder late last year. I wrote this story … Continue reading Kismet and optimism
Keeping the Faith – Writing Life
Today is a good day. I found out Cassandra is on the shortlist for the Best Fantasy Novel in the Aurealis Awards. This is a big deal for me. Equal in excitement to the first time I was published and when Odysessy Books agreed to publish Cassandra. I will celebrate this moderate success because it … Continue reading Keeping the Faith – Writing Life
What a writer must do
I haven't been blogging because I have been writing. Since Cassandra was released (and for a while before that) my next big story has been knocking around in my head and very occasionally becoming actual written or typed words. I have written a few short stories and some flash fiction this year but on the … Continue reading What a writer must do
The tyranny of the first sentence
I often get stuck finding my first sentence. I can have a clear vision of the story, the characters, the setting but until I have the right first sentence I can't start. It seems logical but I expect there are writers who can start in the middle. I envy them. If I get the first sentence … Continue reading The tyranny of the first sentence
How writing and gardening are the same
Gardening and writing are the same. They are both hard work. You either have to put your bum in the chair or get out in the hot sun. An effort is required. You are always learning. The basics are easy. You can throw something in the dirt or write a sentence, but if you want … Continue reading How writing and gardening are the same
Another Introverted Writer
I know, I have changed the name of my blog. It’s Random, Fickle and Annoying. I’m sorry. I’ve written before about how I struggle with the idea of ‘branding’ because I am not a cow. I had a blog in the blogspot days “Katwrites” I didn’t think too hard about it. I just ranted about … Continue reading Another Introverted Writer