The meaning of holidays - or holy days - like Easter has changed and will continue to changes and so it should. Most people know that Easter was a Spring Equinox festival. Eostre was a goddess of renewal and spring. Eggs were a symbol of new life and the promise of spring after the harsh … Continue reading Easter in the Subtopics
Category: Gardening Fix
My Garden Makes Me Sad
2019: Tasmania has been on fire. More fires in NSW. Nearly 60% of Queensland is drought declared. Except for Townsville. Townsville has been under water. Almost a year of rain in a week. Many many cattle have died in the mud. It feels apocalyptic. January is supposed to be one of our wettest months. Thunderstorms … Continue reading My Garden Makes Me Sad
Celebrating Gladioli
Gladioli is the plural of gladiolus. Who knew? Gladdies were my first favourite flower. My earliest gardening memories are helping my grandmother plant out the bulbs (right way up). There are over 300 species of gladioli but oddly only one colour in my garden. A very pretty plain pink one we found growing in the … Continue reading Celebrating Gladioli
Slow and steady: Bonsai and Books
My friend is tall but she grows bonsai. I have only killed bonsai. So, I am beginning from scratch under her mentorship. I have jacarandas for inspiration. The jacarandas are coming up under the lemonade tree and I have dug up three and put them in a pot each. Now, I wait. I keep them alive … Continue reading Slow and steady: Bonsai and Books
What to do with plums?
I know I have been talking about plums a lot lately. It is just that they have taken over my life. I think we have harvested 6 or more kilos from our tree and we are not done yet. The thing is you can only eat so many plums in one day! Also, they don't … Continue reading What to do with plums?
My Ancient Aloe Vera
I can’t remember how old this Aloe Vera plant is. We bought it from our old house in 1999. It could be 20 years old and is stunning in its age. I do nothing to it. It is in a pot in a shaded area and I might from time to time throw some water on … Continue reading My Ancient Aloe Vera
Queensland Fruit Fly
There is one gardening job I hate. I don't have too many pests to deal with. One year I had these odd insects that jumped like fleas. I can't remember what they were called. Another year I had so many cane toads they dug up my seedlings. That made me squeamish. I deal with or … Continue reading Queensland Fruit Fly
How writing and gardening are the same
Gardening and writing are the same. They are both hard work. You either have to put your bum in the chair or get out in the hot sun. An effort is required. You are always learning. The basics are easy. You can throw something in the dirt or write a sentence, but if you want … Continue reading How writing and gardening are the same
How does your garden grow?
Mary, Mary, quite contrary how does your garden grow. This is one of my favourite nursery rhymes. I am not sure why, but thinking about it now, rhyming Mary and contrary has its charm. I don't have silver bells or cockle shells, or even pretty maids all in a row but the garden does grow. … Continue reading How does your garden grow?
Canberra Geeking
Sometimes you can know something but until you actually see it, you don't really know it. I know Canberra is a planned city. We all learn that in primary school. It was not until I stood at the front of Parliament House and looked straight up to the distant tree-lined avenue and saw the War Memorial … Continue reading Canberra Geeking