I suspect we all have a connection to a particular tree. For me, it is the Jacaranda tree.
Growing up, I lived next door to my grandmother (I know, bliss right!) and she had a Jacaranda tree that forked perfectly to easily climb into and sit and read, or dream or write letters.
My home town, a little-known place by the name of Goombungee has a strip of Jacarandas planted down its centre. Like a heart of Jacarandas. There are some great photos here.
The other special things about Jacarandas is they have purple flowers (my favourite colour) and they flower in November (my birthday). They lay a carpet of purple around them and spot hillsides of Brisbane’s horizon with their pastel hues.
It is November and I am celebrating my favourite tree.
Happy Birthday.
Purple trees, wow!
Thanks! I wish I had a better photo to post. They are stunning.