Pocket Bookclub 2022

The Pocket Bookclub celebrates the year’s end with the usual wine, cheese and food, and each member votes for their favourite and less favourite read of the year.

The year is bookended with joint-favourite reads in January and November (blue dots). There was a reluctance to place the (orange) less favourite dots, indicating a good reading year!

Lemon cake and Flyaway

Joint favourite read of the year


Flyaway by Kathleen Jennings (7 blue dots)

Cunttail: Ghost Sitting in a Lemon Tree


Once There Were Wolves by Charlotte McConaghy (1 blue and 3 orange)

Cunttail: Bambi on the Run

Disappointing despite the Angela Carter quote at the beginning. At least two plot points that are ridiculous.


The Commandant by Jessica Anderson

Cunttail: Bloody Moreton Martini

Brisbane’s frontier history


Devotion by Hannah Kent (1 blue dot and 2 orange)

Cunttail: Shandy

A surprise turn and lovely language but…too much romance for this book club.


Islands by Peggy Frew (4 blue dots)

Cunttail: Winter Wine



The Garden Party by Katherine Mansfield (3 blue dots)

Cunttail: Bleeding Passion

Masterful short stories


Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (4 blue dots)

Cunttail: Fiery Salamander


The Angry Women’s Choir by Meg Bignell (3 orange dots)

Cunttail: Sweeten the Vocal Chords

Dropbear by Evelyn Araluen (no dots but everyone in Australia should read the poem ‘Welcome to…. ” It is confronting.

Joint favourite read of the year


The Bluebird Cafe by Carmel Bird

Cunttail: Bluebird Bubbles

The Pocket Bookclub raged against a book of literary cocktails that only included quotes from men. We embarked on a cunttail project, inventing a cunttail for every book we read in 2022. We made a literary cunttail book! What’s wrong with the word cunt? Nothing

Literary Cunttails 2022 is hand-drawn by Miriama and includes every recipe. Get a free copy.

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