This is an example of the poor planning that defines my sporadic gardening. The strangely paired bedfellows in this pot most surely do not belong together.
The red flower is a hippeastrum. I got a stack of bulbs from my friends Donna and Andrew who had an excess growing in the garden of their newly purchased house. That was so long ago. I had them in the garden, then it got too shady, or maybe I got rid of that garden altogether, and moved the bulbs about and one ended up in this pot.
At some other time, I was clearly walking around with a top of a pineapple we had eaten and wanted to plant. There must have seemed there was some space in the pot so in went the pineapple top.
Now a year or two later I have a baby pineapple (which is mega exciting, they take ages to fruit) and a flowering bulb.
These two plants must think they are the victims of a bad dating game. eHarmony gone way wrong. Or right. I dunno.
They seem like a nice exotic couple!
They seem happy enough! It might be a case of opposites attract.