We are still on the gentle slope that will eventually lead to the hell that is summer. For now, I can still spend some hours on my weekend in preparation. So much to do! I realised I have a habit of starting in close to the house and moving out to the edges of the yard. It’s logical but it also means I have edges to my garden that go uncared for over some years.
Meanwhile, my plum has a cubby house.
I caught this may fruit fly in one week. Little buggars. I still have to get traps out around the mangoes which are currently in flower.
I have some tough hot spots in the garden, especially on the western side of the house, where I struggle to get anything to grow. I got this plant at the Fernvale Markets today and I am told it is hardy and never stops flowering. Alternatively, I think I could use it as a weapon.
I also bought some new pets for pots. The strange shadow in the shot is me taking the photo!
I have a banana bag on my bunch of bananas and holes dug for my new mock orange hedge. Lots of fertilising and mulching to go over the next few weekends. I am feeling optimistic about getting to some of those neglected outer edges before the heat sets in. Fingers crossed.
A mock orange hedge sounds wonderful@
I love how they smell and have wanted one for a while.